God’s Timing

"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him"
Psalm 91:14

Our timing and God's timing is not the same.  Most of us want to finish our purpose as soon as we can according to our timing, and this can get us into trouble. Moses, one of the patriarchs of Israel, was destined to deliver the Israelites but he first attempted to deliver his people on his own time. Moses saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave and he killed the Egyptian and hid the body. Pharaoh soon found out and Moses had to flee for his life. You can read this account in Exodus 2:11-22.

Another patriarch is Abraham whom God promised to be the father of many nations. Sara, his wife, however, wanted to have a baby based on her own time. When God’s promise of a baby hadn’t come to pass after many years, she pushed Abraham to sleep with her servant Haggar, who bore a son named Ismael. Ismael, however, was not the promised child. He was not the child of Sarah the free woman, but of Haggar, the servant woman. They did not wait God's timing and they paid a severe price.

Finally, in God's timing, the promised child, Isaak, was born. Ismael quickly became a pain for Abraham as he harassed and bullied the younger Isaak. Eventually Abraham had to send Ismael and Haggar away so God’s promised child would not affected. This resulted in much pain, bitterness, and tragedy for Ismael’s descendants to this day. This account is found in Genesis 16:1-5.

We need to ask God to help us to wait patiently. Most of us fail to wait on God's timing with patience. The Amplified translation explains in Psalm 106:13

"But they quickly forgot His works; They did not [patiently] wait for His counsel and purpose [to be revealed regarding them]”

In contrast, Joseph was a patriarch who waited on God's timing patiently. While he was serving as a slave, he had an opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife. Potifar’s wicked wife tried to seduce Joseph every day but Joseph refused to sin against God by sleeping with her, and he was unjustly thrown in prison as a result. After many long years in prison, in God's timing and by God’s ways, the Lord not only released Joseph from prison but made him second in command only to the Pharaoh in Egypt. God greatly prospered Joseph as a result of faithful patience. =

Today be encouraged by Isaiah 40:31,

"But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."

Stay in His presence and wait God's timing

In Jesus name
